With Nick Askey (The Beast)
With Marisa Chanin (Lumiere)
My four-year-old cousin, Danielle (youngest member of the cast) with Samantha
Putting makeup on before the show!
Sunday night, the cast presented me with flowers and gifts. I was brought to tears when a letter was read to me expressing their gratitude for all of my hard work and dedication. Gifts were also presented to my mom (The Director) and Mrs. Chanin (Stage Manager). I have always believed that life is not about what it holds for you, but rather what you bring to it. Working as assistant director and choreographer was one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. Every single member of the cast and every volunteer has truly touched my heart. I sincerely hope that everyone learned a lot from this experience and that they will carry with them the memories they have made for the rest of their lives.
Much Love,
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